
The Choice

In my last post, I wrote about living in the fourth dimension, a perceptual choice to view the world in love, rather than fear. When you make a conscious choice to PERCEIVE the world differently, you begin to see a world rich in miracles.

The above paragraph I wrote yesterday, today my life was completely turned upside down. I have two choices, to Fuck Everything And Run (FEAR) or to see this as a miracle that is taking me to a new phase of my life. It is easy to try to perceive GOD’s world when things are good, it is hard to perceive GOD’s world when things are uncertain.

When we enter the storm we must insist, absolutely, on focusing on the miracles – and not the package those miracles come wrapped in. We get to choose in each moment. Fear or Love. Fear or Love.


  1. I hope you see it as a miracle, be well!!! Life throws us some crazy stuff, good luck!!

  2. Have you ever read or heard of the book, Love is Letting Go of Fear, by Gerald Jampolsky? It is an amazing book. I don't know if you can order it on Amazon or not. Not sure if it is still in print. However, I bet if you google it, there is a way to get it.

    It is an amazing step by step process of letting go of fear and completely embracing love.

    This is post is powerful.
    It also reminds me of A course in Miracles that I studied about 18 years ago.
    At the end of the day, it all goes back to the very words of the Bible: Perfect Love casts out all fear.
    Great work you are doing.
