
New Year's Resolution

My New Year's Resolution is to learn to like myself. The feedback I received is mixed between encouragement and love "We like you!" to understanding and acknowledgement of how truly hard it can be to learn to like yourself.

To really learn to like someone, first you have to get to know them. And, like the beginning of any relationship, you are amazed by the good, and overlook the not-so-good in that person. Its akin to when you first fall in love with someone. During the euphoric, "getting to know you" state, it is like being in a state of grace.

If GOD is LOVE, then the act of LOVING someone can be the highest expression of GOD's grace.

To learn to like myself, I must start by really getting to know myself better, and when I dig deep within my being, discover that there is a strong, courageous, beautiful woman in there. Oh so worthy of love.

Yes, there are faults, but the worst thing I can do is focus on those things about myself I wish were somehow different. Yes, I am overweight. Yes, I am forgetful and often messy. Yes, I can be self-centered and manipulative when I want my way. I am all those things. But, I spend so much time on those aspects of my SELF, that I never acknowledge all the great gifts I have been given.

"Hi Peaceful. I would like to get to know you,  maybe we can have coffee sometime?"

My heart skips in anticipation. "Yes," I reply, "I can't wait."

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